Please be reminded that the sociological research was an added impetus for the creation of the calendar “Invisible battalion”: women’s participation in the military ATO operations, the research helped to collect a majority of photographs that were subsequently included in the calendar.
After completing the research “Invisible battalion”, we realized that there is a high probability that the research will be regarded only in a narrow professional environment. However, we would require publicity to initiate reforms of the power structures. Therefore, there is a need to begin a broader but more attractive and clear communication at a different level, in a different format. Thus, the idea to create a wall calendar came into existence in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Policy, and a professional team of Mex Advertising agency who did an extraordinary thing by “placing” photos of the ATO women into the stylish, concise but eloquent calendar. Everything- from the cover to the last page points out at the extreme importance. There was no redundant element – nothing distracts from the core point – women and their stories.
Natalia Karbowska, chairman of the “Ukrainian Women’s Fund”