Regional action plans 1325 implementation’s assistance for Region Coalitions – grant opportunity

Women, Peace, and Security: Response to the Challenges of War

Ukrainian Women's Fund launches the grants for women's/feminist organizations for Regional Action Plans 1325 implementation's assistance in Kirovograd, Pivne, Sumy, Chernigiv oblasts and Kyiv
About the project:

The goal of Women, Peace, and Security: Response to the Challenges of War project is to improve the system and policies for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security and increasing women’s participation in the decision-making process in the security and defense sectors.  The project also aims to find solutions to peace and security issues facing different groups of women in Ukraine on the national, regional, and local levels in times of war.

The project is implemented by the Ukrainian Women’s Fund with the financial support of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Project objectives:

  • ♦ Develop capacity of the National Plan actors
  • ♦ Regional localization of the National Action Plan
  • ♦ Sectoral localization of the National Action Plan
  • ♦ Monitoring of the National Plan; coordination on the national level

The Contest’s Purpose is to support the 1325 Coalitions’ Members initiatives aimed to assisting the Regional Action Plans 1325 implementation.

Projects’ proposals submitted by 1325 Regional Coalitions’ Members from Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, Kherson, and Chernivtsi regions aimed at fulfilling the tasks of Regional Action Plans 1325 will be supported under the contest.

Please note that to ensure coordination and increase the efficiency of the Regional Action Plans implementation, the projects’ topics and the work format should be approved with 1325 Regional Coalitions.

Estimated projects duration: up to three months

The grant amount and the number of supported projects’ proposals:

The maximum grant amount for each project proposal is GBP 10,000 (UAH equivalent).

10-13 project proposals are planned to support – 2-3 project proposals from each of the contest’s target region.

UWF invites for applying to the contest officially registered women’s/feminist public organizations that:

  • ♦ undertake to coordinate their projects’ activities with the 1325 Regional Coalitions’ Secretariat;
  • ♦ have experience in the implementation of grant projects, successful financial management and reporting (such organizations will be given preference during the consideration of grant applications);
  • ♦ have an accountant with grant projects financial reports experience in staff;
  • ♦ are not affiliated with state institutions and are non-partisan.

Organization membership in the regional coalition 1325 is not a mandatory condition for participation in the contest, but it will be considered an advantage.

The UWF defines that women’s/feminist public organization is a public organization that has a purpose to protect women’s rights and/or promote gender equality (according to the charter).

Professional associations of women are not considered women’s rights organizations unless they prove that they follow feminist principles and advance women’s rights in addition to providing services to women.

Assessment criteria:

Criteria Maximum score
Relevance of proposal to the priority areas of the contest 20 
Effectiveness of the proposed approach 20 
The project’s correspondence to the strategic and operational goals of the Regional Action Plan 1325, coordination with other initiatives implemented by the 1325 Coalition Members 20 
Clarity of expected results of the proposal and measures to track the progress 20 
Capacity to deliver the proposed results, as proven by previous experience and available resources of the organization (office, staff, organizational policies and procedures) 10 
Membership in the regional coalition 1325 10 
Total 100 


Initiatives not supported: Providing incentives to government employees; support of political parties; initiatives that are aimed at supporting professional associations and are not feminist; initiatives that cause damage to the environment.

Ineligible costs: construction, purchase of equipment/assets over $1,000/item, office rent.

Application procedure: interested organizations shall submit the following

  • ♦ Register in the UWF online projects submission system via the link: If you have already registered in the system before, please use the organization ID which you have received after registration at the e-mail address specified by you to submit the application form. If for some reason you are not able to register or when you try to register the system issues a message that the organization with such a tax number (state registration code) already exists, please contact UWF grants program at
  • ♦ Fill in the online application form (in Ukrainian) – by October 19, 2023

UWF will acknowledge the receipt of the proposal by e-mail.

All proposals will be reviewed by the Grants Selection Committee.

UWF reserves the right to:

  • ♦ extend the call and/or recommend revising the application based on the assessment results;
  • ♦ request additional information from applicant in order to properly review the application;
  • ♦ not to comment on the reasons of negative assessment.

Questions: please send your questions to indicating the name of the call (“Regional Action Plans 1325 implementation’s assistance”) by October 17, 2023. All questions and answers will be published on the UWF information resources, as well as distributed through Regional Coalitions 1325.

Start filling in the application form

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